History of Photography Timeline: The Complete Summary

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Picking up a Digital SLR camera can seem daunting, but did you know that the world’s first photographers had to mix chemicals for every exposure? The History of Photography begins with those very first photographers. Not only that, the History of Photography Timeline also coincides with some of history’s most important inventions. Inventions such as the telegram, the space race, and attempts to capture color. These technologies, which are now taken for granted, are still present in most of modern photographic technology. In fact, we think that learning the History of Photography and the History of Portraiture is a key element in making great photographs now.

In this in-depth dive in to the History of Photography Timeline, we don’t just explore Studio Photography from the 19th century until the present day. We also explore the History of Portrait Photography, Types of Portrait Photography and Portrait Photography Techniques. We give you our Studio Photography Tips, including Studio Photography Setup and how to create your very own DIY Home Photography Studio. For portrait photographers, we find inspiration from historically Famous Portrait Photographers like Nadar, Julia Margaret Cameron and Napoleon Sarony. Finally, because what’s the point of studying history if it doesn’t inform our future, we give you our predictions for the Future of Studio Photography.

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To say photography was invented by just one person would be impossible. Photographic technology hasn’t stopped developing and improving since the earliest photographs were taken in 1824 using all-natural materials. From then, photography has continued its rapid improvements, moving from daguerreotypes and film, to instant photographs and digital cameras.

The first photo in the History of Photography Timeline, View From the Window at Le Gras

View From the Window at Le Gras by Nicéphore Niépce


Heliography, the world’s first known photographic process, was invented by Nicéphore Niépce around 1824. The key material of Niépce’s process was Bitumen of Judea, a naturally occurring type of asphalt. He would cover either a piece of glass or metal with this Bitumen, which would harden at a different rate depending on its exposure to light. Once he had finished his ‘exposure’, he would wash the plate with lavender oil. Only the hardened Bitumen of Judea remained, revealing an image of the objects that were in view of the plate. It was this process that allowed Niépce to create the earliest surviving photograph, View from the Window at Le Gras.

A daguerreotype taken by Daguerre, who in the history of photography timeline is seen as the father of photography


After Niépce’s death in 1833, Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre invented one of early photography’s most important technologies, the Daguerreotype. This new artform, which was officially invented between 1838 and 1840, followed the same principles as Heliography. Daguerreotypes point of difference was that it involves a developing process.

A daguerreotype began with a plate of silver-plated copper, which needed to be artfully polished by a daguerreotypist. The daguerreotypist would then treat the plate with fumes to make it light-sensitive. Once placed in a camera, the plate would be ready to be exposed. Once exposed, the image was made visible by a treatment of mercury fumes. Finally, a chemical treatment was used to remove the light sensitivity of the plate and the daguerreotype sealed behind glass to avoid any blemishes.

Compared to Heliographs which more closely resemble a sketch, daguerreotypes create sharp, detailed images. It is perhaps for this reason that Daguerreotypes were the first photographic process to become widely available to the public. The only issue was that Daguerre’s invention needed at least 30 minutes of light exposure to capture an image! Thankfully, there were plenty of would-be photographers working to improve the process.

A daguerreotype that demonstrates the rapid development of photography technology in the 19th century


The next few years were an exciting time full of advancements in the science of photography. Hippolyte Bayard discovered how to imprint images directly on to paper using silver chloride and silver iodide. In 1841, William Henry Fox Talbot discovered the calotype, the first known method of multiplying an image. John Herschell experimented with fix-baths, discovering the uses of Sodium Hyposulfite baths. This chemical mix is still used to fix photo negatives today. Finally, and also in 1841, Hippolyte Fizeau invented short focal lenses, allowing exposure times to drop from 30 minutes to just a few seconds. All he had to do was replace Hippolyte Bayard’s silver iodide with silver bromide. With Bayard’s discovery, making a daguerreotype portrait became a relatively quick process.

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Table Of Contents
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Heliography
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Daguerreotypes
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Rapid Development In 1841
  • History Of Photography Timeline: The Invention Of Celluloid Film
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Shutter Speeds And Light Meters
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Color Photography
  • Color Photography: The Lippmann Method
  • Color Photography: Layered Film
  • History Of Photography Timeline: The Space Race
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Analogue Goes Digital
  • History Of Photography Timeline: Present Day
  • History Of Studio Photography
  • What Is Studio Photography
  • Early Photography Studios: Painting With Light
  • The Rise Of Studio Photography
    • 1850S Europe: Studio Photography’s Golden Age
    • Usa And The Commercialization Of Studio Photography
  • History Of Studio Photography Lighting: Step Into The Limelight
  • History Of Studio Photography Lighting: Flash Powder Photography
  • History Of Studio Photography Lighting: Flash Bulbs
  • History Of Studio Photography Lighting: Electronic Flash
  • Studio Photography Setup
  • Studio Photography Lighting
  • History Of Portraiture
    • History Of Portraiture: Types Of Portrait Photography
    • Traditional Portrait Photography
    • Environmental Portrait Photography
    • Glamour Portrait Photography
    • Candid Portrait Photography
    • Lifestyle Portrait Photography
    • Conceptual Portrait Photography
    • Surreal Portrait Photography
  • Famous Portrait Photographers
    • Famous Portrait Photographers: Gaspard Félix Tournachon Aka Nadar
    • Nadar And Bohemianism
    • Famous Portrait Photographers: Julia Margaret Cameron
    • Famous Portrait Photographers: Napoleon Sarony
  • Portrait Photography Techniques
    • Portrait Photography Techniques: Lighting
    • Portrait Photography Techniques: Camera Settings
    • Portrait Photography Techniques: Lenses
    • Portrait Photography Techniques: Composition
    • The Rule Of Thirds
  • Portrait Photography Techniques: Posing + Tips To Take Better Portraits
  • The Future Of Studio Photography


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